China says removal of Hong Kong lawmakers was ‘right medicine’

The ousting of four pro-democracy lawmakers from Hong Kong’s legislature was “the…

Climate change worsening Australia’s extreme weather: scientists

Climate change is already buffeting Australia with extreme bushfires, droughts and cyclones,…

Shanmugam may have wanted to clarify but what he may have created is a travesty!

Leader of the Reform Party, Kenneth Jeyaretnam (Jeyaretnam) has written a damning…

明年推出“科技准证” 招揽全球顶尖人才

贸工部长陈振声,宣布经济发展局明年将推出“科技准证”(Tech.Pass)计划,吸引全球顶尖的科技专才,以巩固新加坡作为区域科技枢纽的领先地位。 这意味着,我国招揽外籍专才和雇员,除了就业准证(EP)、工作准证|(WP)、特别准证(Special Pass)等等,现在又多了个“Tech Pass”。但陈振声则指出,科技准证旨在吸引全球顶尖人才,不是中等级别科技人员,后者属于就业准证或特别准证。 针对媒体询及科技准证会否进一步恶化本地专才竞争,陈振声认为,这并不关乎取代本地人,反之这些是本地需要的企业家人才,不是在特定公司工作取代本地就业机会。 陈振声指欧美、中国等都在争取更多人才,狮城服务都是全球企业,需从全球各地招揽更多元化的人才。他也指新计划有助本地科技专才队伍,达到“群聚效应”(critical mass),“吸引成功的科技企业家、专才和领导,亦非常重要,他们将为本地科技生态系统注入资本、建立联系网络以及传递知识。” 他相信这不仅能为科技领域带来活力,也能为国人创造令人振奋的工作和协作机会。 能获批科技准证的条件包括: 过去一年固定月薪至少2万元; 曾在市值至少5亿美元(约6.75亿新元),或拥有至少3000万美元资金的科技企业担任领导职位至少五年; 曾主导科技产品研发至少五年。所研发产品每月活跃使用者须至少10万人,或能带来至少1亿美元收入。…

Rysense earns profit from MCI-commissioned surveys, but how will these earnings be declared?

TOC’s earlier investigation on has led to the discovery of a…

Netizens voice concerns over new Tech.Pass work pass despite Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing’s assurance it will not replace locals’ jobs

In a bid to develop Singapore’s tech ecosystem, the Economic Development Board…

Foreign companies complaining about purported lack of skilled workers in Singapore — what happened to the skills transfer envisioned by Goh Keng Swee?

A recent survey by the British Chamber of Commerce (BritCham) revealed that…

China confirms ban on some Australian timber imports

China said Thursday that it has suspended some timber imports from Australia,…

Trolls get creative after WHO allegedly censors Taiwan

Alleged censorship of Taiwan on the World Health Organization’s Facebook page inspired…