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Amidst the covid crisis and some of the racist, ugly human behaviours being posted on social media.. there is this lady. Saturday morning at Lakeside MRT, this Chinese man (from China by his accent) who was struggling at the top-up machine suddenly shouted out loud. This dear lady who was sweeping next to the machines immediately went over to help him, patiently explaining what to do despite the Chinese man’s seemingly agitated and aggressive tone. The thing is she didn’t have to; it wasn’t her job. Even more so now with everyone cautiously keeping a social distance and all. But she did. And the amazing part is that she actually explained things to him in mandarin! This lady is such a kind, intelligent, beautiful soul.. an inspiration and reminder to some of us that regardless of race, nationality, social status or current crisis.. we can all still be nicer and help one another in simple ways. #sgfollowsall#singapore #singapura #majulahsingapura #singaporean #singaporeans #sgig #igsg #singaporeinsta #instasingapore #instasg #sginsta #singapore_insta #singaporeig #igsingapore #thisissingapore #singaporefinds #singaporecity #sgviral #sg

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