Valuation of unlisted assets considered in reviewing GIC and Temasek portfolio risks: Second Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong

The government takes into account the valuation of unlisted assets in GIC…

Online users dismiss study’s claim that says Singaporeans don’t have work-life balance because they’re dedicated to their job

Based on a new study by Kisi – a keyless access technology…

Government to start regulating ride-hailing services like Grab and Go-Jek in 2020, from licenses to fares

The government will start regulating ride-hailing apps under the new P2P Passenger…

How much Singapore spends on scholarships for foreign students compared to other countries?

We recently wrote about the government spending approximately S$238 million on scholarships and…

Minister Masagos Zulkifli says Singapore needs to continue building its recycling capabilities, but is the Government actually doing much about it?

Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli revealed on Tuesday…

NUS seeks to attract overseas Singaporean academics via grant — but many professors previously left due to high research output requirements

The National University of Singapore (NUS) is offering a S$200,000 grant to…

MOE says 1.8% of budget spent on scholarships and tuition grants for foreign students – that's about 9% of what is spent on universities

Minister of Education Ong Ye Kung said in Parliament (5 August) that…

Singapore Writers Festival 2019 announces theme of “A Language of Our Own” and introduces new youth-centric focus

This year’s Singapore Writers Festival (SWF), themed ‘A Language of Our Own’,…

MOE sets low benchmark for foreign scholars to retain their scholarship programme

On Mon (5 Aug) in parliament, in response to a question from…

内政团队科技局12月成立 议员提醒“科技是把双刃剑”

在过去两天的国会中,除了周一通过的《防火安全(修正)法案》,国会也通过《点对点载客业法案》以及《内政团队科技局法案》。 其中《内政团队科技局法案》将促成今年12月,成立新的内政团队科技局。 内政部将提升对于科技开发的投入,计划从2019财年的9.79亿新元,提升至2025年的19亿新元。而支持提升科技技术的关键举措,就是成立一个专门的科技机构。 据了解,内政部有意招揽内政团队中不同部门约1300名科研与科技人才,专注进行有关罪案防范和紧急反应等科技研发。 人力部长暨内政部第二部长杨莉明声称,科技局将为一些新岗位另招聘科学家和工程师,有望为国人创造就业机会。 她也解释,科技局是内政团队转型的重要环节,科技局需确保科研与科技投资增加能带来效益,而内政团队的操作环境需求亦有别于其他政府单位,所以一些科研创新方面,也必须量身定做。 内政团队也将设立一个中央内政团队操作中心,例如在面对恐袭等事件,重心负责协调紧急应对方案,并运用科技加强各单位沟通。 王丽婷忧长期监控下影响国民心理素质 不过,也有议员在辩论时提出,提升科技监控国民的隐忧。其中官委议员王丽婷就警惕,“科技是把双刃剑”,用以防范罪案于未然的科技,也同样可能对国民的心理和隐私造成影响。 她举例,去年新科工程获得750万新元价值的工程,在全岛安装约11万各具有人工智能功能的监控摄像,可以识别人脸、年龄、族群和岁数,透过这些监控资讯,政府部门可以迅速针对诸如不守法公民、地铁故障、交通事故等迅速反应,也能敦促一般市民切莫以身试法。 “然而,我们需切记,公民的福祉不仅只限于人身安全。”王丽婷引述牛津大学数码伦理研究所(Digital Ethics…