日前,本地社运分子范国瀚因被判藐视法庭罪而申请上诉,不过他必须先缴两万元的担保金(security for costs),如果上诉失败,这笔担保金也拿不回,令他感叹“正义也不便宜啊!”(Justice is not cheap!)。不过所幸后来他得到总理弟弟李显扬襄助,为他负担这笔费用。

对此,本地人权律师拉维(M.Ravi)就在脸书发文分享,他今早告知马国律师同业阿伦卡西(Arun Kasi),范国瀚上诉需缴两万元担保金,令后者感到惊讶。









86. Quantum of security to be provided under Order 57, Rule 3(3) of the Rules of Court

(1) Order 57, Rule 3(3) of the Rules of Court provides:

(3) The appellant must at the time of filing the notice of appeal provide security for the respondent’s costs of the appeal in the sum of $10,000 or such other sum as may be fixed from time to time by the Chief Justice by —

(a) depositing the sum in the Registry or with the Accountant-General and obtaining a certificate in Form 115; or

(b) procuring an undertaking in Form 116 from his solicitor and filing a certificate in Form 117.

(2) The Honourable the Chief Justice has, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by Order 57, Rule 3(3), fixed the sum to be provided by the appellant by way of security for the respondent’s costs of an appeal to the Court of Appeal at $15,000 for appeals against interlocutory orders and $20,000 for all other appeals.

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