Another major case of food poisoning, this time involving 131 kindergarten students and teachers

Another major case of food poisoning hit Singapore this month, this time…

US-North Korea summit is the inspiration for Singapore’s Miss Universe national costume this year

Oh. My. Goodness. Singapore’s entry for the national costume segment of the…

Unauthorised access of court documents in State Courts integrated criminal case filing and management system

223 e-case files had been accessed by a few accused persons without…

SS Scuba convicted for unlicensed travel agent activities

SS Scuba Pte Ltd was ordered to pay a total fine of S$14,000 for…

Government disallows polls over election period but allows sweeping statements in favour of the PAP at all times

The ingredients that create trust are not secret or control. Rather, it…

Singapore needs to rethink its management of local & foreign talent if it wants to remain competitive in oil and gas industry

Recently, Singapore has been tightening the hiring requirements for expats. It’s now…

Public areas in Orchard Road precinct to be designated as no smoking zone from 1 January 2019

The National Environment Agency (NEA) announced in a press release on Wednesday…

Edwin Tong continues to publicise his official engagements on Facebook despite condemning it

Last Tue (20 Nov), Senior Minister of State for Law Edwin Tong…

殖民时代老掉牙规矩?不准女佣入内 情义之家批板球俱乐部歧视

本地演员陈斌熙一家,偕同女佣到新加坡板球俱乐部,唯独女佣被拒于门外,职员声称“不允许女佣入内”,令陈斌熙感到愤慨,将此事发布在脸书,引来热议。 事件发生在上周五,陈斌熙和家人还有女佣,到历史悠久的新加坡板球俱乐部,观赏侄儿的橄榄球赛。比赛结束后,他们一家到俱乐部的维多利亚餐厅用餐。 然而,一名中年职员却告诉他:女佣不得入内,令陈斌熙对俱乐部还保留这种老掉牙的歧视,感到惊讶。他进一步询问下,职员告诉他女佣不得进入整个俱乐部的范围,还建议女佣可以到停车场等候。 陈斌熙的嫂嫂还反问“你怎么知道她不是我表妹?”职员还坚称,他们肯定知道。 陈斌熙的父亲是俱乐部会员。他把女佣作为宾客带进餐厅,也被拒绝。职员称俱乐部禁止女佣和司机踏入。 陈斌熙表示,当下他确实很生气,想到其他餐馆用餐,但考量天色已晚,年迈父亲和孩子用餐后就要回家休息,一家人还是只能那里匆匆用餐。 至于气愤的陈斌熙则散步让自己冷静下来,回来时看到女佣正抱着婴儿在俱乐部外,显得无可奈何。他们打包了女佣的晚餐。 之后数日陈斌熙仍对此事耿耿于怀,于是选择将此事公诸于众。他认为俱乐部并没明文规定禁止女佣,他在该俱乐部网站也差无此规则,如有,也应公开予众。 再者,如规则合理如要求会员穿着体面都无妨,然而限制女佣和家人用餐则显得很不公平。 客工组织:赤裸裸歧视 俱乐部的女佣禁令,也遭来本地客工组织非议。情义之家(HOME)执行董事Sheena Kanwar对此感到无法理解禁令背后的依据是什么。…

Four arrested for series of shop theft

Four people, two men and two women, aged between 27 and 41, were…